Internal Hackathon 2022
As per the guidelines from AICTE Internal Hackathon, 2022 was held at Thapar Polytechnic College ,Patiala under the Guidance of Principal Dr Ankush Kansal, In which Computer Science & Engineering department’s students Participated . There were total 6 teams, each team was of 6 members, They participated and worked for the possible best solution on the Problem Statement stating “Creating a Dynamic website for admission purpose”. Top two teams that came out as winners are ALGO CODERS & CODE WARRIORS.

Respected Principal Dr. Ankush Kansal addressing the members of the participating teams.

Internal Hackathon Judges: Ms. Shashi Bala & Ms. Prabhjot Kaur
Internal Hackathon Judges: Ms. Shashi Bala & Ms. Prabhjot Kaur

Winners of the Internal Hackathon- Algo Coders.

Winners of the Internal Hackathon- Algo Coders.
Winners of the Internal Hackathon- Algo Coders.

Nominated Teams