International Yoga Day 2023
On June 21, 2023, Thapar Polytechnic College Patiala organized a yoga camp to celebrate International Yoga Day. The event aimed to promote the practice of yoga among the college staff members and create awareness about the physical and mental benefits of yoga. Mrs. Aman Singla Lecturer Computer Science Engineering conducted the session on the theme "#Har Ghar Aangan Yog#," which suggests that yoga should be a part of every household. She guided the participants through various yoga asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), and relaxation techniques. The session focused on enhancing physical strength, flexibility, and mental well-being. In recognition of Mrs. Aman Singla's exceptional efforts and perseverance as a yoga instructor, Dr. Ankush Kansal, the Principal of Thapar Polytechnic College, presented her with a memento. Each participant was gifted a Tulsi plant as a token of appreciation and to promote environmental consciousness. Tulsi, also known as holy basil, holds significant spiritual and medicinal value in Indian culture. Distributing the plants encouraged participants to nurture a connection with nature and cultivate a sense of responsibility towards the environment. In concluding remarks, Principal Dr. Ankush Kansal, said that I am immensely proud of what we have achieved together through this Yoga Camp. He expressed appreciation to all the students, faculty, and staff members who actively participated in this event and said that your enthusiasm and dedication have made this Yoga Camp a resounding success. Further, he expressed his sincere gratitude to our esteemed yoga instructor Mrs. Aman Singla who led us through this journey of self-discovery. He acknowledged her efforts with a round of applause.